Front Porch Update

by Joe Tucker
“When will the Front Porch Cafe open?”
It has been a frequent question from many friends of South Street Ministries as pandemic restrictions lighten.
Our answer: “When we are ready for it — and it may look different from what it was!”
The Cafe was founded in 2009, during the recession. One of the original hallmarks of the Front Porch was that men and women would serve for a time, then transition into gainful work with a strong reference from South Street based on their development and example at the Front Porch Cafe. During those years, jobs were challenging to come by, and even more so for the reentry community.
Fast forward 12 years … and we have a very different job market! Every week the reentry team —Donovan Harris, LaMarr Atchison, and Roy Johnson — help someone connect to employment … no references or work programs needed! As the times change, the needs of a community change as well, and one of the primary principles of Christian Community Development is Listening to the Community.
So perhaps a better question these days is, “How can the Front Porch best use the resources it has to respond to the needs and opportunities of our community?”
The answer is what the South Street board and staff are presently exploring.
And as we explore this question, ministry continues:
- Recovery groups and outreaches use the Front Porch space to gather, plan, pray, and program.
- Reentry individuals and groups meet for support, direction, and connections.
- And neighbors still stop by for a cup of coffee, water, or just to use the restroom!
As we continue to explore opportunities to serve the community, we are intentional — with the financial sustainability of an organization after a year of great uncertainty; with a focus on listening to the community; with the faith-filled direction to be a place and a people that work toward the restoration of individuals and the restoration of community!
And lastly … we are hiring! South Street Ministries is searching for an Operations Director to plan and implement the ministries and enterprises of the Front Porch. For more information on open positions with South Street Ministries, please follow this link.
Continue in prayer for our staff and board … and the future of the Front Porch. Thank you!
“And honor ones like him…”

In the second chapter of the book of Philippians, Paul sends his right-hand man back to his city. He calls this friend a “brother, co-worker, and fellow soldier.”
This is how the South Street team feels about Gary Eckenrode!
Gary finished his last week on staff with South Street Ministries and will be moving to the Haven of Rest to support and serve with their kitchen staff. Gary embodied hospitality and welcomed many into the Front Porch for coffee, a phone call, a prayer, or just a quick hello.
Gary served in many unseen ways: welcoming recovery groups to the Front Porch, coming on site when someone was locked out, stepping up to address projects, and continually cleaning.
Gary felt a call from God to “feed His people” and is honored to continue to live out that call with the years of experience from South Street Ministries preparing him for his next chapter!
Philippians 2 includes Paul’s request to honor people like this — those who serve and give of themselves for the sake of the mission of God. Gary Eckenrode is one such individual. And although we are sad to see him transition, we are excited for what God will continue to do in his life and service!
RICH Kids Introduces Discipleship Plus!

By: Bob Irwin & David Shahata
Something remarkably interesting happened this summer in our RICH Kids Enrichment program for first- to fifth-graders — all centered around digging deeper into the Bible, walking more closely with Jesus, and learning what discipleship really is …
Many of the youth who have now aged out of RICH Kids have a desire to come and help and continue to be a part of the program. So we came together to figure out how to keep them involved after the fact — but in a way that would continue growing and challenging them.
We formed a structured idea we call “Discipleship Plus” — designed for the youth that already went through discipleship within RICH Kids and want to keep the connection going by coming back and helping during program time … and becoming student leaders!
The plan is to meet with the Discipleship Plus youth once a week to talk through their time leading, develop some of those skills, and work with them to plan out what the RICH Kids Discipleship time will look like.
What an exciting development! We are really trying to deepen and expand our “program within a program” we call Discipleship … a more intimate time of learning that the kids really love and value.
Join us in praising God for growing our RICH Kids into young people who desire more of Him in their lives!
Kids Grow Up — and Love Bears Fruit

South Street has ministered for more than 20 years … which means we have the blessing of walking with children as they grow up!
As life goes, there are seasons. Some kids are staples — they are always there! Other kids come and go. It is a deep blessing to reconnect with a young adult whom the ministry made an impact on years ago. It is a reminder that love and Gospel bear fruit over time.
- Jabbrie was an amazing gardener. She was always at the youth garden program and had a green thumb for the cultivation of plants and for the veggies they produced. Now, at 21, she is returning to work and continuing to explore what vocation she is called to.
- Davide played in South Street’s Open Gym basketball and football programs. He got into trouble — a lot (and for the dumbest things). Now as a young adult, he’s working and helping his family.
God’s Spirit moves over time. And love bears fruit that lasts. We are thankful we get to play a small role in the development of youth into young adults within our community. It is the work WE are called to: restoring community, economy, and faith!
Thank you for playing the role YOU do in this work. We are blessed by your generosity, support, involvement, and prayers!
[In the photos above are two OG South Street kids: Jabbrie was an all-star in our youth garden program … and Davide was involved in Open Gym and football!]
Across The Lake: Redefining Community

Did you know that Kenmore used to be its own separate city? In 1929, it was annexed by the City of Akron. Today you have the two local high schools merged at the Kenmore-Garfield site.
In many ways, the two Kenmore and Summit Lake neighborhoods are coming together — so what does community look like as neighborhoods converge?
At South Street Ministries, the second-greatest commandment (Love your neighbor!) has a deep meaning.
Loving our neighbor often means loving our neighborhood! And to love our neighborhood, we have to know the place — its potential, its present, and its past.
That is what the Across The Lake Project is: a chance to better get to know Summit Lake and Kenmore and the people who live there … and in doing so redefine the community together.
There are two primary ways to get involved:
- Sign up for more info and coming dates of select screenings and community conversations about Across The Lake.
- For Summit Lake and Kenmore residents, sign up for our Circle Sessions in August on Tuesday evenings from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Of course, there is always a third way to get involved:
- Get into the practice of loving your own neighbors and neighborhood wherever that may be! Love God and love people!
May the Lord bless you for helping South Street bring people together for a better, more meaningful tomorrow.
Your prayerful support of South Street Ministries makes every program — every partnership — possible.
We welcome your generous gift today as we walk alongside children, families, and neighbors who need a restored sense of hope. Together, we’re renewing our community for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, and God bless you!