South Street’s Reentry Efforts Featured on WKYC!

Leon Bibb spoke with Reentry Director Donovan Harris and Reentry Liaison & Support Coordinator LaMarr Atchison recently on WKYC’s “We The People” segment about how South Street helps individuals coming out of incarceration get grounded and centered again within the community and with their families.

Our Reentry program has developed the 3 R’s of Reentry:

  • Reentry — We believe Reentry begins the first day of sentencing. The journey of coming home begins as individuals begin to think and pray through housing, work, and family, on the other side.
  • Redirection — Redirection is the process of changing thinking, lifestyles, and habits. It is a personal and community process to change ourselves.
  • Restoration — Restoration is the end-goal of reentry. That we are restored citizens who move towards the goals of life: family, home, business, and faith.

It’s your prayers and support that keeps us engaged in loving our neighbors, sharing hope, and spreading the good word about the Kingdom work you help make possible!