Restoration House: A Beacon of Hope and Transformation

Restoration House, guided by Donovan Harris, Reentry-Housing Director, embodies a transformative journey for women returning from incarceration. It centers around the 3 R’s: Reentry, Redirection, and Restoration. This approach recognizes the need for changing thought patterns, lifestyles, and habits as part of a comprehensive process toward positive change. Restoration, as the ultimate goal, focuses on reintegrating individuals into society with a renewed focus on family, home, business, and faith. Restoration House serves as a crucial emergency and transitional shelter, also functioning as a drop-in center, where numerous women have already found support, peer connections, and nurturing guidance. This space is more than just a shelter; it’s a pivotal step towards a restored life, offering a haven for peer support and soulful conversations, laying the foundation for a hopeful future.

Thanks to the support of the OneOhio Recovery Foundation