Community Collaboration: Strengthening Reentry with Diverse Partnerships
At South Street Ministries, our reentry services thrive through collaboration with diverse community partners. From churches providing nourishing meals to mental health providers offering essential support, our network includes various organizations committed to aiding returning citizens. Area institutions play a crucial role in transportation, while other non-profits contribute additional layers of support, ensuring a comprehensive approach to reentry. This synergy enhances our ability to deliver effective and compassionate services, creating a robust support system for those on their journey to reintegration.

Feeding Hope and Hearts: Grace Church’s Monthly Meal Blessings
Every month, a dedicated team from Grace Church brings a homemade meal for our reentry meeting attendees at South Street Ministries. Serving 40 to 50 participants each time, these meals are more than just food; they are warm blessings for individuals transitioning from institutional to community living. This heartfelt gesture from our partners not only nourishes bodies but also uplifts spirits, showcasing the profound impact of simple acts of kindness and community care.
Become a Catalyst for Change: Partner with Our Reentry Program
Join us at South Street Ministries in our mission to support those reentering the community. As a partner, you can directly engage in meaningful service by volunteering with our reentry team. Your contributions, be it donating essential items like bus passes, hygiene products, and clothing, or experiencing our culture firsthand by visiting our reentry meetings every Tuesday at 4 pm, are invaluable. Each act of support plays a crucial role in easing the transition for our participants and reinforcing our community’s spirit of care and inclusion.
Interested in partnering with Reentry simply fill out the form below and we will be in touch!
Thanks to the support of the OneOhio Recovery Foundation