“When the porch light is on, you know you’re welcome.”

This concept was the inspiration for the naming of Porchlight Coffee Co., a passion project of Akron residents Daniel and Bridget Weihe.

Located in the Front Porch space of South Street Ministries, Porchlight will carry on the Café’s values of hospitality, equity and diversity, and faith and spirit while breathing new life into the space and operating as a for-profit social enterprise. Along with a team of partners, Daniel and Bridget will bring their wealth of coffee experience and dedication to quality service with every drink they serve.

The story of Porchlight begins long before its name came to be. It begins with the Front Porch Café, an extension of South Street Ministries focused on Reentry employment and economic development.

The Front Porch Café thrived in its ability to bring communities together and serve the spiritual, emotional, and tangible needs of those who entered but did struggle to operate as a sustainable financial operation. When the Covid stay-at-home order was issued in March 2020, the Front Porch Café closed its doors for the last time.

Over the next 18 months, Joe and the South Street Ministries Board prayed and sought wisdom as to the next steps for the Café space. Elizabeth shares her experience in the transition:

“Shawn Bonner and I were hired in September 2021 as the Front Porch team — to help with re-imagining a strategic, impactful, and sustainable model for the Café space. We explored various options, including relaunching the Café as it was prior to the pandemic shutdown. But this option did not make sense to the team in a post-Covid economy, when entry-level fast-food jobs now pay well above the minimum wage the Café used to pay. Moreover, during 2021, the Reentry team had developed a thriving partnership with Sandridge Food Corporation, which provided career opportunities with $20/hour starting pay for returning citizens who participate in our employment readiness program. Consequently, Shawn, Joe, and I felt the Lord giving us wisdom to seek a new direction for the gathering place formerly known as the Café.”

This new direction came in the form of a local partnership. Through the South Street Ministries network and connections, Porchlight Coffee Co. was formed in December 2021. Porchlight’s mission is to be a place of intersecting communities and ideas by offering a quality coffee experience in a great space. As the operating partners of Porchlight, Daniel and Bridget see their work as a form of service to the community and look forward to the ways Porchlight and South Street Ministries can collaborate in the years to come.

With renovations underway and an opening day in sight, we can all give thanks to God for the ways in which this project has come together.

We ask for your prayers and support as we launch this partnership … and we’re optimistic about the days to come!

—South Street Ministries & Porchlight Coffee Co.

In honor of 25 years, we want to highlight the people who have come alongside us in ministry — both equipping and inspiring the restoration of community, economy, and faith.

It’s our pleasure to highlight and honor Bryson Davis this month!

Bryson Davis is an “all in” kind of person. As a volunteer with South Street Ministries for the last 10 years or so, he supports and co-leads the Open Gym program and is a consistent support for Reentry …

But his leadership and impact extend far beyond programs.

Bryson also:

Leads the Kingdom Leadership Alliance series, where Pastor Duane Crabbs and many others pour leadership skills into future ministers.

Teaches at Malone University

Helps within the Front Porch Fellowship, the Summit Lake community, and the local Christian Community Development Association chapter (helping facilitate events like the Together conference)!

Bryson appreciates that South Street has been committed to a people and a place that are often neglected and largely abandoned.

“They are a true emblem of God’s faithfulness and grace,” he explains. “South Street has always been one of the most organic, authentic, and intimate communities I have ever been a part of. Many organizations are trying to save the world; South Street is just trying to love their neighbors one at a time. I love that.”

One of Bryson’s favorite parts about being involved with South Street is the long-term difference he gets to witness firsthand:

“I recently ran into one of the young guys who has been a part of the Open Gym program (as well as other South Street sports programs) for at least 10 years. Now he’s a senior in high school and doing well. He is a good guy. It sounds simple, but it’s not. Not everyone makes it in our community. Just last year, one of the young guys who was once part of the Open Gym program lost his life as a victim of gun violence. He is not someone I can simply ‘run into’ anymore. But, South Street helped him become a good guy too, even though his life was cut short.”

It’s been a profound blessing to see Bryson get more and more involved over the years and mature into a leader our youth can look up to.

He takes the spirit and mission of South Street Ministries into many new places and communities, and he’s a stalwart voice for justice, Creation-care, and community love!

Come celebrate 25 years of ministry with us!

We can’t wait for you to join us for two special events:

April 8 — 2-8 p.m., (we’ll honor the Crabbs at 6 p.m.)

April 9 — 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Both happening at The Front Porch, 798 Grant Street. It will be an Open House format with food and refreshments.

Join us in honoring Duane and Lisa Crabbs

See the new happenings at The Front Porch

Experience and learn more about Restoration House

Celebrate 25 years of ministry and where God is leading us next!

For questions or for more information, please contact Elizabeth Kargbo at ekargbo@southstreetministries.org. See you soon!

South Street Ministries is humbled and thankful for the many church partners that have made our ministry possible in so many different ways over our 25-year history!

Here is the story of one such church partner — Firestone Park Presbyterian Church & The Front Porch Café:

It’s hard to believe that Firestone Park Presbyterian Church (FPPC) has had a connection with The Front Porch Café since its beginning.

In 2011, a grant through the Self-Development of People program of the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering was approved through Eastminster Presbytery, of which FPPC is a part. This grant was intended to assist in the opening of The Front Porch Café.

The church wanted to help in some way, but we didn’t know how. Through communications with Joe Tucker, we asked where there were needs and began with a monetary donation from the annual Pentecost Offering, one that supports youth and youth-at-risk programs.

Over the last 10 years, we have continued to support the various youth programs monetarily, such as Bike Shop, RICH Kids, summer camp, and others that keep youth involved with others and with the community. Additionally, we have been able to provide support to both youth and adults through donations of hygiene items, school supplies, masks, hats, gloves, socks, and scarves.

Joe has graciously given his time to our church by joining us in Sunday worship occasionally to bring spiritual messages and updates on The Front Porch and South Street Ministries. Such interactions have helped our congregation get to know South Street and to learn about the programs we support.

While some of us are missing breakfasts and lunches at The Front Porch Café, we are hopeful those times will return. In the meantime, we continue to keep Joe, The Front Porch, and all of South Street Ministries in our individual and Sunday prayers.

Although FPPC is a much smaller congregation than it was 10 years ago, we are still committed to the local outreach to the South Akron community. We know the special ministry and its programs are changing lives and are honored to be a small part of offering support, hope, and God’s love in partnership with you. We look forward to more exciting opportunities in 2022.

South Street is grateful for dedicated, invested partners like FPPC … you make celebrating 25 years of ministry even better — together! God bless you and your commitment to our communities!

South Street Ministries is currently accepting donations of items for various outreaches and their needs …

A detailed list of these items can be found on our Wishlist here and will benefit:

  • Front Porch adult ministry
  • Reentry
  • Administrative services

You can also call Elizabeth Kargbo at (330) 475-3110 if you would like to arrange a drop-off day and time.

Thank you for your generosity and love!

Your prayerful support of South Street Ministries makes caring, compassionate Kingdom work possible.

It is your generous giving that keeps us walking alongside children, families, and neighbors who need hope. Together, we’re celebrating 25 years of making an impact alongside you and the ministry of renewing our community for the sake of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, and God bless you!