Embodied Cause: Black Lives Matter

So many friends have been asking, “What can I do to pursue the cause of racial justice?”
South Street Ministries has your next step!
Join us today by reading and completing our “Embodied Cause: Black Lives Matter — Our Commitment to Justice” form online now.
#AdjustTheCrown: Discovering Unity

Kwanzaa may be over already, but our #AdjustTheCrown ladies have been focusing on “Nguzo Saba” — seven principles usually observed during the annual holiday celebration.
While the Nguzo Saba is traditionally and primarily observed by African Americans, these guiding principles are a strong foundation for life planning for all ethnicities, all genders, and all levels of socio-economic access.
The values (in Swahili) with explanations (in English) that our weekly #AdjustTheCrown group has been making its way through are:
- Umoja — Unity
- Kujichagulia — Self Determination
- Ujima — Collective Work and Responsibility
- Ujamaa — Cooperative Economics
- Nia — Purpose
- Kuumba — Creativity
- Imani — Faith
The girls have been receptive and responsive to our study and are gaining a better understanding of the unity that can come from following these seven principles.
Here is what’s happening in their lives, and in their own words:
“At first, my mom told me I had to do this girls group thing, and I didn’t want to do it. After [attending] a few times, I liked it. I’ve been in #AdjustTheCrown for about two years now. I’ve learned a lot in this program. I have learned to love myself and treat others the same way [I] want to be treated. I’ve learned that, even at a young age, [I can] decide what I want to do in life. I’ve learned that we should help people who have less money than us. I’ve never really thought about people who are homeless and in school, and who don’t make a lot of money. When you help out other people, it makes them feel good about themselves. We have a family at #AdjustTheCrown. I’m glad to be in this group. I love everyone in it as well.”
“When I first heard about #AdjustTheCrown, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was supposed to do, or what it even meant. Now that I have been in the program, I know what it means to be a part of it — #AdjustTheCrown is a family. But it’s just not any family; it’s a family of girls who come together to help empower themselves and others. What I have gained from #AdjustTheCrown is self-confidence, self-love, and friendship. If I would have known that I would have such a great group of friends in my future … [I realize] I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. One thing that this group has taught me is that things may not always go as planned, but there is always a way. I am so grateful to have #AdjustTheCrown in my life.”
Thank you for guiding and empowering America’s next generation of women!
Reentry in Real Life

When Antonio Blackshear was released from incarceration in June 2018 at the age of 20 — after serving a two-year sentence for possession with intent to distribute — he was not only gaining his freedom, but he also had an extra advantage.
The last six months of his sentence was served at a Community Based Correctional Facility (CBCF) located within walking distance of The Front Porch.
And after being at the CBCF for a month, Antonio decided to walk with a group of men to the Tuesday Reentry Support Meeting hosted by South Street Ministries.
What came next changed his life …
- He walked through the doors not knowing what to expect, but was surprised to see that people whom he considered to be just “like him” were in positions of leadership, running the meeting.
- It wasn’t long before Antonio became a regular at these meetings.
- And soon he was ready to ask the men in attendance for help in getting his life on track.
- Within a matter of days, Antonio was employed at a car detail shop working 30 hours a week …
- Plus, he was enrolled in a special education program through public school that would award him his high school diploma upon completion.
- Antonio received help with obtaining his ID and social security card — as well as help in preparing to take his driving test to get a license (which he’d never had).
- Then, this past February, Antonio graduated with his diploma from Akron Public Schools.
“Every hurdle that was in my way, Reentry helped me get over,” Antonio says.
Today he’s employed full-time in the manufacturing sector, has a house he rents in a decent neighborhood and is the owner of two vehicles.
Most importantly — thanks to his commitment to staying on the right path and his willingness to follow the road map the Reentry Team helped him plan — Antonio was released from Parole/Probation supervision 18 months early.
Without the support of partners like you, South Street wouldn’t get the privilege of helping people like Antonio, seeing them thrive, and watching them fully gain their freedom for the future. We are grateful for your support in helping true restoration!
Across the Lake: “What I love most”

My name is Bob Irwin. I have called Summit Lake my home ever since I was 13 years old, entering sixth grade — I went to Riedinger, then to Goodrich (before they closed down), and graduated from Garfield.
I am 38 now, so I have been here for 25 years!
I had a diverse group of friends growing up. We played football in the streets, wrestled, and played baseball using a bat and a tennis ball at Lincoln School. (We had a rule that if you hit a ball on top of the school it was a homerun … I have a total of two homeruns at what we called “Lincoln Field!”)
Now, 25 years later, I am married and raising a family — building on the foundation planted here.
This neighborhood has challenges, of course, but I would rather talk about the two things I love most about Summit Lake.
- First, the people. This community is like a family. Folks watch out for each other — I can barely leave my house without running into someone I know and striking up a conversation with them. I wouldn’t want it any other way!
- Second, the lake itself. Summit Lake is an awesome resource that has finally begun to gain attention. I love going for a run alongside the lake. It is so peaceful and majestic. I love seeing the ducks, the geese, and the occasional turtle!
All in all, I want to encourage you to truly get to know the beautiful people and the powerful lake that make up the Summit Lake neighborhood. At the same time, look past assumptions or what you may have heard about it. You will find that this little community has a lot to offer!
ACROSS THE LAKE is a new initiative of South Street Ministries to connect the east and west sides of Summit Lake … to explore the social and racial histories in our communities … and to renew a future vision for our neighborhoods.
Hooked for Life!

As soon as Delaina Finelli got connected in 2012 to South Street Ministries, the staff, and the families we serve, she was — in her own words — “hooked for life.”
With a heart for inner-city families, Delaina got to know the mission and vision of South Street when she was a college student and Campus Focus participant at the University of Akron. And the rest is history …
Today, she and her husband, Nick, donate to South Street for many reasons.
“First and foremost, we believe in their mission,” Delaina says, “and we believe they are completing God-honoring work. This team and staff are the Lord’s hands and feet EVERY DAY. They are family to this community, and they work hard to spread the Gospel and therefore change lives …
“We also give to South Street because of the impact it will make on the Akron community. It’s a community with a lot of beauty and a lot of potential — we cannot wait to see the city thrive!”
Delaina and Nick see their monthly support of the ministry as a very worthy cause. South Street serves in “creative ways.” Rather than slapping a band-aid on a need, she says, we exist to “build up a community and, more importantly, a family.”
“Giving back to South Street has been my favorite budget item of the month. When God calls us to tithe, he says to do so with a cheerful heart. It brings me so much joy to see what my dollars can impact at South Street.”
While Delaina has too many great South Street memories to pick and choose a “favorite,” some of her most cherished ones simply involve early summer days of being outside, listening to music from car speakers, having dance parties, and playing basketball or football … laughter, friendship, and unity.
It’s a blessing to have long-time friends and supporters like Delaina who lend their time and their treasure to the work of loving and enriching the neighbors and neighborhoods of Summit Lake and South Akron. May God bless you for playing an important part in transforming our community!
Your prayerful support of South Street Ministries makes every program — every partnership — possible.
We welcome your generous gift today as we walk alongside children, families, and neighbors who need a restored sense of hope. Together, we’re renewing our community for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, and God bless you!