Bahote “Luch” Griffin has been on staff with South Street Ministries now since August of 2022, and he’s been tasked with the heavy charge of working with many of the youth and young adults throughout Akron who get mixed up with community violence. He shares here his reflections and prayers for this summer:
Summers in Akron used to be very fun for students just getting out of school for break. The things we looked forward to included football season, summer jobs, and additional free time. We enjoyed working because of the pay — and all the nice things cost money! It instilled good skills in us and kept us busy daily for eight hours.
Fast-forward to 2023 — and summers are not utilized the same way. Youth are not attending school in the first place, either because they feel it’s not beneficial to them or because they are in so much trouble that it’s not safe to be there anymore — or both. They are now using this free time for crime and violence … so it’s my job to figure out solutions to prevent this kind of behavior and make sure the community stays as safe as possible.
The key to doing this is giving them alternatives that interest them. I have created a photography program for young people called “Seeing Life Through A New Lens,” during which I will be teaching the basics of photography and letting their creative minds take over — an introduction to a new profession for them if they allow it. The goal: empowering youth to shoot photographs, and nothing else!
This is a good method for changing lives because I’m a living testament to this — when I was at my lowest point and wanted revenge for my best friends’ murders, I chose to pick up a camera. It served as a coping mechanism for me and put me back on course to success. If I never explored this alternative in 2021, I probably would be dead or in jail.
Keep the South Street team in prayer and support as we spend this summer exposing youth to life-giving alternatives to the violence and streets around them.

And just like that, it’s over …
Guess you can say I’m officially a Discipleship House Fellowship (DHF) grad and alumnus! But where to even begin explaining my 11-month discipleship experience?
As I’ve been reflecting on what this season was for me, I can’t help but feel immense gratitude. I am filled with a spirit of thankfulness at how God has revealed Himself to me in unimaginable ways, as well as His great faithfulness to me. When I arrived at the DHF, I was coming from a place of drought and hunger, yearning to experience God in a fresh way; I was navigating my relationship with Him, relearning my identity in Him, and figuring out how to do this in community.
The DHF provided me the space to do so and more. David and Terri led graciously and were incredible models of Jesus, supporting and challenging me to be the best version of myself. Beyond being my teachers, they became sweet friends and my Akron family. In addition, my Summit Lake community has deeply transformed me — the kiddos who remind me to have childlike faith, the across-the-street neighbors who show me grand generosity, and the church who welcomes me just as I am. I am hungry no more, for I have tasted and seen the Lord’s goodness and have fullness of life!
So what’s next? I have decided to stay in the Summit Lake neighborhood, to remain (thanks, CCDA, for teaching me this principle). I’ve made this decision because of everything I’ve learned and because of the amazing community I’ve gained; I’ve tasted and seen, and now I must digest and live it out! It’s a bittersweet time to move out of the Discipleship House, but thankfully I won’t be moving far, as my new home is just a couple steps down the street!
I can’t wait to see what this next season brings, and I can’t wait to see who the DHF helps next, so I can be in community with them. Here’s to taking up my cross daily and following Him in beautiful Akron!

At the heart of the Bike Shop program is LOVE.
I recently had the chance to share with a church partner about South Street’s Bike Shop program and I shared about love.
Love for oneself. Love for one’s community and neighbors. And Love for God and the world that God has given us to explore.
Love gets lived out within the three heartbeats of Bike Shop: Repair, Ride, Restore.
Repair with us:
We’re extending an open invitation to the community to come to Bike Shop! Every Monday and Wednesday evening through the summer months (6-8 pm), you can join our neighbors, as we learn the fundamentals of bicycle maintenance, repair, and rider safety. We are also doing repairs every First Friday in Kenmore, where we help with simple repairs and adjustments.
At Bike Shop we want to Put & Keep More Kids On Bikes!
Ride with us:
Come ride with us starting in June on Tuesdays at the Summit Lake Farmers Market from 4-7 p.m. Or join us on the first Friday of each month from 6-8 p.m. to cruise the historic Kenmore Blvd. and ride in style on one of our shareable cycles.
If your weekdays are too busy, or if you’re looking for something a little more laid back, come see us one Sunday — 6/18, 7/2, 7/16, 7/30, 8/13, or 8/27 — at The Summit Lake Nature Center at 10 a.m. as we ride along and explore the Towpath Trail with The Summit MetroParks Cycling Club.
We will have helmets and our sharable fleet at each of these events for you to borrow free of charge!
Restore with us:
Restoration is the mission of South Street Ministries! And as exciting as restoring a broken bike can be, it is a part of a greater restoration work — within ourselves, our communities, and faith.
Bike Shop is so much more than simply riding or repairing — we’ve had fathers build bikes for their children. We’ve had young adults step into confidence and community. We’ve seen returning citizens ride to employment. We’ve seen families ride together.
And we’re planning some rides to our local churches and community centers. It’s been an exciting few months at Bike Shop, and we welcome you to join the rides, the repairs, and the restoration at work!
To get involved, donate a bike, or learn more, contact Chris Usner at chris@southstreetministries.org.

Trails N Rails is coming soon … and we can’t wait! South Street warmly invites you to participate in this fun-filled, family-focused day.
Come out for a morning of exercise and enjoyment while raising funds to support a ministry that is changing the lives of today’s South Akron and Summit Lake communities! You can join us in any one of a few ways:
DATE: Saturday, September 23, 2023 — 7:30 a.m. through the 11:00 picnic lunch
STARTING LOCATION: Mustill Store Trailhead, 57 W. North Street, Akron, OH, 44304.
Click here for more information about this year’s event — our 10th annual … register easily online … and we’ll see you then!

At Bike Shop, kids earn a bicycle. We often say that bikes are not free!
BUT we had a big surplus of little kid bikes!
So we worked with Kenny Lambert and Just A Dad From Akron for a Bike Giveaway and Fix-a-Thon on May 27! And … wow! …
- Bikes were given away: 120
- Repairs were completed: 90
- Repairs were referred to our shops at Grant St. and 130 South Street: 50-55
At the time the event concluded, Kenny indicated that the original social media post had been shared some 1,200 times … had 162 comments … and had been viewed 60,000+ times!
Kenny graciously provided the venue, promotional platforms, and most of the volunteer/staff help. Coca-Cola provided drinks like water, Coke, and energy drinks. South Street provided the bikes, giveaway bags, and goodies. Individual donors and friends like you provided the hot dogs and buns. Bikes were repaired by our Bike Shop Crew, while additional repairs and logistical support were provided by various 10th St. residents.
We couldn’t be more thrilled at all the support this event received! Thank you!
Gratitude also goes to South Street volunteers Kevin Hoffman, Molly Usner, and Lilly Usner … as well as Brian Bortz, a super-cyclist, who supported us the day of the event by riding out and pitching in to make repairs and fit individuals for bikes.
Again, what a great day together with the community — connecting with neighbors, families, and children at a faith-filled, love-driven event. Your support makes a difference — and outreaches like this possible.

What does community engagement in South Akron look like? Let me tell you!
Morgan Park is just a quarter mile south of The Front Porch and was one of the most run-down and underused parks in all of Akron …
Now, as South Street Ministries partners with the Akron Parks Collaborative, Kaboom, CarMax, and others, I hope you’ll share in our excitement as we step toward the kick-off of a new park build there! We will be working in the community to revitalize Morgan Park starting June 27, with concrete being poured, mulch placed, and playground equipment being assembled. Work will continue through June 29.
Volunteers are welcome to participate by clicking here to sign up online! We will provide lunch, light snacks, and water for all volunteers, and there will be an opening and closing ceremony, including a ribbon-cutting! While younger individuals who are not of working age will not be able to participate in the actual build, we will have fun-filled activities for those who attend.
For South Akron, this playground will be the first step. Next, we are looking to build a pavilion. As always, this is happening within the context of building community! Please consider joining us June 27-29. We appreciate your investment — time, treasure, or otherwise — in our neighborhoods and neighbors!
Your prayerful support of South Street Ministries makes caring, compassionate Kingdom work possible.
It is your generous giving that keeps us walking alongside children, families, and neighbors who need hope. Together, we’re making an impact alongside you to renew our community for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, and God bless you!