Same Storm, Different Boat
By Joe Tucker
“How was your Christmas?”
“How was your holiday?”
We are often asked these questions as we move into January. And for many of us, although Christmas and New Year’s were notably different under pandemic provisions, many still appeared to have a good holiday season.
One popular phrase throughout the pandemic has been, “We are all in the same storm, but we are not all in the same boat.”
Throughout the month of December, South Street Ministries was able to minister to needs through your generous giving and support — and we were able to help 36 households with rent and utility assistance through the CARES Act administered by the Akron Community Foundation.
It was a stark reminder of the differences in “boats” as we weather this pandemic.
After connecting with our Christmas Store — made possible by your support of South Street’s #GivingTuesday efforts — a mother voiced her gratitude and reminded us that her family wouldn’t have had gifts this year had it not been for this ministry … for you! The challenges of online learning and reduced hours at work had stymied their finances.
For many, this was a very hard holiday. Yet I am reminded of the prophetic words of Jesus in the Beatitudes (Luke 6:20-21), something Pastor Crabbs often preaches from:
Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
My holiday was spent laughing, eating, and enjoying life’s riches. My blessings are obvious. But Jesus affixes the esteem of blessing on those for whom it doesn’t seem obvious. He gives us a reminder — that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them. He offers the deep and real hope that laughter and fulfillment are to come.
It is in this mystery mix of obvious blessings and prophetic blessings to come that South Street works and ministers. Thank you for your partnership in that good, Gospel work.

This has been a challenging year for returning citizens. Prisons have been hot spots for coronavirus outbreaks, and the visits of many supporters and partners who would come to institutions have been paused throughout the pandemic.
On the outside, it isn’t any easier. Courts have switched to virtual engagements that present technological hurdles to many returning citizens. And the daily challenges of navigating reentry life are added to the hardships of COVID’s realities.
It was within this context that South Street Ministries met Chris …
- After 10 years inside, Chris was paroled to Summit County in 2016 to start a new life.
- Chris developed health issues and ended up homeless.
- He engaged with South Street Ministries.
- His housing needs were complex because of the pandemic and his conditions.
- As he was looking for a new place to live, an old warrant had him relocated to a Cuyahoga County courthouse.
- The court set a date for return to resolve the old warrant and left Chris stranded in Cuyahoga County … with no funds and no bus passes.
So he called the Reentry team.
South Street drove to the courthouse to pick him up and return him to Akron. Chris stayed onsite in one of the ministry houses for a few weeks and was eventually able to step into the safe and healthy room of a recovery home.
Chris was in need of some items — so the Reentry team found him new boots and a phone. Soon he was going to recovery meetings and making church connections.
On a recent Tuesday night, Chris worked with Donovan Harris and LaMarr Atchison to record some video content about accessing mental health help. They were working together to challenge some of the stigma around therapy that many African-American men experience when coming home.
This is restoration work. Restoring community — economy — and faith.
And you are part of it through your faithful prayers and support of our work. Thank you!

Bethelhem Dukamo, a social work intern from the University of Akron and international student from Ethiopia, as well as an intern with South Street for the 2020/2021 school year.
She recently offered to share her perspective … so we’d like to share it with you!
Bethelhem says her first impression of South Street was a positive one — a place she could see herself growing both professionally and spiritually.
Along the way, she has learned and developed skills about how to engage children and work with kids … as well as the importance of teamwork and communication within a staff.
She has been a great help to our team — having contributed some research, ideas for our #AdjustTheCrown girl’s empowerment program, and more!
“This internship has given me a good foundation to develop skills for my profession through the different programs South Street offers,” Bethelhem says. She’s also thrilled her skills and knowledge have improved in her experience here.
Bethelhem: Thanks for serving South Akron and Summit Lake so well!

“Lean into it!”
If you have heard Duane Crabbs share his story — of years ago being the only white guy in an all black South Akron bar as he sought to pastor within the neighborhood — this refrain has probably stuck with you. Patrick Armour gave this directive to Duane as he sought to step into a place and a community that was ‘other’ to him.
Are you looking to “Lean into” the lessons and challenges of this past year? This is your invitation to join us!
South Street Ministries is launching its first Embodied Cause Book Club. This initiative — launching Sunday, February 21 — will include an evening Zoom book club reading through Howard Thurman’s 1949 classic, Jesus and The Disinherited. We are excited for you to join us!
For more information, please click here — and sign up by January 31!

South Street Ministries has been working with Project Ujima and others over the past year to identify and interview residents and leaders from the Summit Lake and Kenmore neighborhoods.
What started as a project to bring residents together has grown into a video series exploring the past, present, and future of the two neighboring communities. This spring, we will launch these videos with invitations for residents into further conversation and connection!
There has been exciting recreational development in Summit Lake along the towpath and lakefront, as well as economic development along Kenmore Boulevard. Just as neighborhoods are invested in, we must also invest in individuals! The very heart of South Street Ministries is “Christian Community Development”:
- Spending time with neighbors
- Listening to the history, hopes, and hardships of a community,
- And working and empowering together to bring about God’s good for those places and peoples.
Stay tuned for the launch of this new video series and the next steps for learning more about our neighborhood … we cannot wait for you to get involved.
This work has been supported and made possible by the GAR Foundation, the Akron Community Foundation, and the Akron Civic Commons … and by South Street friends like you!

It was a full Zoom room as the whole South Street team gathered to pray in the New Year together.
2021 brings a slate of exciting opportunities, so it was important for us to commit those things prayerfully to God as we embarked on the work to which we all are commissioned:
- We prayed for RICH Kids EnRICHment program and pending funding that would help South Street purchase an additional van.
- We lifted up a new opportunity of community health engagement, as South Street Ministries had been supported and commissioned to canvas the South Akron neighborhood with COVID kits and informational materials.
- We prayed for the next chapter of Bike Shop and the chance to explore new sites and services in the spring!
- We praised God for the growth in the Reentry team and the active direction of restoration!
- We sought vision for the next chapter of the Front Porch Cafe.
- We praised God for His provision throughout this past year and into 2021.
- We prayed for the new opportunities of ministry in the Across The Lake videos and in the Embodied Cause book clubs.
Then we prayed for one another — for restoring rest, for clarity of spirit, for healthy bodies and families, and for authentic connection to Christ.
We prayed for our country. Our prayer date was January 4th … two days later was January 6th — another day that will live in tragic infamy for America.
And so, we continue in prayer for our country.
As we continue in service and fruitfulness within our community, we are grateful you’re there with us … making a difference … loving neighbors … leading with compassion.
May 2021 be a year full of hope and healing — for all of us.
Your prayerful support of South Street Ministries makes caring, compassionate Kingdom work possible.
It is your generous giving that keeps us walking alongside children, families, and neighbors who need hope. Together, we’re renewing our community for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, and God bless you!