Engage with Reentry: Make a Meaningful Impact

We invite you to engage actively with our reentry community – see firsthand the impact you can make. There are multiple ways to contribute:

  • Visit our Tuesday 4 pm meetings to learn and show your love, care, and support for returning citizens. Let your actions show the entire community is here for them.
  • Act by providing practical aid. Our neighbors reentering society often need essentials like bus passes, hygiene items, meals, and gift cards for necessities.
  • Bring a Meal Sign Up to serve the 60+ Justice Impacted Individuals on a Tuesday Night!

We invite you to engage actively with our reentry community – see firsthand the impact you can make. There are multiple ways to contribute: 

  • Visit our Tuesday 4 pm meetings to learn and show your love, care, and support for returning citizens. Let your actions show the entire community is here for them.
  • Act by providing practical aid. Our neighbors reentering society often need essentials like bus passes, hygiene items, meals, and gift cards for necessities.

Your active participation can significantly impact their journey. “Bring your kindness, bring your love, bring that to the table. Let these men and women know it’s not just us supporting us and that people in the community have bought in helping their change.” – LaMarr Atchison

Interested in engaging the reentry community? Fill out the form below to indicate how you’d like to connect and support.

Reentry Contract Form

Thanks to the support of the OneOhio Recovery Foundation