So many people who get connected to South Street Ministries as supporters just know right away it’s God’s timing and leading …

Which is how it happened for a friend named Nick Crème.

He learned about South Street through, Heart To Heart, when Fr. Norm Douglas and Larry Vuillemen were running the organization. 

“One weekend Duane Crabbs and I were asked to speak at a H2H Retreat,” Nick recalls, “and that is where my connection began over 10 years ago. Meeting Duane and witnessing his true love for his ministry — and his willingness to serve God in the South side of Akron — was inspirational to me. 

Nick began meeting some other men once a month for lunch at The Front Porch (now Porchlight Coffee, of course). In doing so, he was able to continually observe the success of the ministry happening there. “People trying to get their life back in order were working there, and many times we would see small groups working together, trying to come up with different ideas to help make the ministry outreach even better than it already was.” 

Over the years, Nick made further connections with the staff through RICH kids and Open Gym. “I have been blessed to meet Joe Tucker, Kenzie Wash, David Shahata, and Bob Irwin.” When he took the first step and began to volunteer, Nick realized that “something special was happening to me. I was learning how to love my neighbor, and this helped me become a part of the South Street Ministries family.” 

More importantly, he explains, he could feel his faith in God becoming more powerful. “My wife has always told me to donate your money to ministries where you know where your money is going and where you can see the fruit of your donation. Well, in the last 11 years,” Nick says, “I have witnessed the fruit blossoming into joy, love, and hope for a brighter future for the RICH Kids, those who participate in the winter basketball program, and the returning citizens of Reentry as they become a productive part of the community again.” 

Nick also has a suggestion for partners who are considering supporting South Street financially:

“Just take a moment to read about all the good they do for the people in this South Akron community; the list keeps expanding from year to year. I highly encourage you to go down there and visit and talk with them — even sit in on the ministry in motion, as I have done. I assure you, you can’t help witness the love they give to all involved. You will see and feel in your heart God’s love, and that love transforms lives in a way only God can do. And then you will want to become part of this transformational ministry [yourself]. I know I was glad I did!”

The outreaches to individuals, children, and families that are the very heartbeat of South Street Ministries are made possible by the generosity and prayers of committed people like Nick. Thank you for investing in the Kingdom work happening here!

By David Shahata

We are thrilled to have just begun Year 3 of The Discipleship House Fellowship. 

This work of discipleship is such an intentional, communal way to connect with a new group of people — all of whom are all in on investing the next nine months to learn, serve, and grow in Christ. 

It is with great joy that I get to introduce our three Discipleship House Fellows for this 2024-2025 iteration of the DHF: Bethany, Raheem, and Solveig!

I asked each of them to answer a few questions so you can get to know them a bit … so without further ado:

“What are three things you’d like us to know about you, and one fun fact?”

  • Bethany — I love meeting new people. I love sewing and designing. I love to ride my bike. Broccoli and pretzels cause me to hiccup.
  • Raheem — I’m the eldest of seven children. My favorite color is purple. I love anime. My name means Compassion.
  • Solveig — I LOVE people and hearing their stories. I love a good bike ride. I enjoy traveling to new places. I love photography of both people and nature!

“Why did you choose to participate in the DHF?”

  • Bethany — I loved the idea of living in community and serving in the neighborhood I live in. I am also attending the University of Akron, so the pieces all fell into place. 
  • Raheem — I felt it would be a great opportunity to meet some new people and grow in faith with the Lord as well.
  • Solveig — I desired a community that directly reflected the life of Christ. I wanted to be intentionally discipled and mentored by those in the South Street/Summit Lake community.

“The DHF is designed to be a space where we worship, live, serve, and do community all in the same place. How has it been stepping toward such a lifestyle at the DHF?”

  • Bethany — I love living in a community where neighbors and friends become family. I have enjoyed being in the company of those who share the purpose of following Jesus together and spreading His love and hope right in our own backyard. 
  • Raheem — So far it has been pretty easy because the community and people that are involved make the transition into this space feel like I’ve already been here for years. I appreciate everyone and I’m very happy to continue to grow in this community.
  • Solveig — It has been exciting yet, simultaneously, challenging. It has been exciting because of all the people, but has also been a bit overwhelming at times trying to navigate the busy schedule. It is a learning process that is stretching my capacity and allowing me to grow in different ways! Even during the transition of being here, I have felt peace and gratefulness amidst it all.

“How has Jesus met you within your time in the house thus far?”

  • Bethany — One place Jesus has met with me so far is during time in the prayer room. Slowing down, praying, reading scripture, and listening has helped clear my mind from a busy day and be able to hear God. 
  • Raheem — Jesus has met me in places in my mind and heart that I need to be challenged to become a disciple who spreads His love.
  • Solveig — Jesus has met me with His love and grace during the moments when I am able to slow down. Even in the busyness of being here, there have been reminders of the peace that He has already given me. Jesus has also met me through the people in this community. Christians are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and I can feel that being lived out in this community.

“What is a hope of yours for this coming year?”

  • Bethany —  Build habits of prayer, scripture reading, and slowing down that I can take with me to the rest of my life.
  • Raheem — To understand myself as a whole and to figure out where the Lord needs me to be to truly make a difference.
  • Solveig — To learn what it means to intentionally live in community. To be reminded of what it means to live out of my “belovedness” as a child of God.

Thank you so much for your gracious support of our DHF Fellow. It makes one-on-one discipleship like this a reality here at South Street Ministries. 

Please keep our Fellows in prayer as they keep learning to joyfully lay their lives down as our Savior has so beautifully taught us to do …

Mark 10:29-31: “Jesus said, ‘Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.’”

This year’s Trails N Rails was a resounding success! 

The event was filled with joy and community spirit. With several exciting additions and changes, the day unfolded beautifully. We were delighted to see both familiar and new faces join us for a train ride and a scenic walk or bike back to the Mustill store. 

The day was also marked by laughter and friendship, all shared over a delightful picnic. 

We are immensely thankful to our sponsors, whose support made this day possible, and to everyone who participated. Your presence helps further our mission in South Akron and Summit Lake, creating beautiful traditions and lasting bonds. 

Thank you for making this another unforgettable event!

South Street is grateful to be able to introduce you to our new Development Director!

He’s actually got a few thoughts to share himself, so just dive right in and get to know him a bit …


I am Michael Parisher. I am originally from eastern North Carolina where I went to NC State University for business administration and Duke Divinity School for my masters. At Duke, I began to reconstruct my faith and work on my own racial repentance and reconciliation. Also at Duke I met my wife, Alex (an Akron native), and shortly after graduating and getting married we moved up to Northeast Ohio.

Both my wife and I are ordained clergy in the United Methodist Church (UMC), and she was placed as an associate pastor at Chagrin Falls UMC. I worked at a small non-profit in Cleveland as the Executive Director. This past July, Alex got moved to Faith United, a UMC, to serve as their associate pastor. With this move and the news that we were expecting our first child, I prayed for discernment about where God was leading me … and as He always does, God provided. 

When we first moved up to Northeast Ohio, I had met Joe Tucker — and the Holy Spirit moved in me then that I would find my way to South Street at some point. As I got reconnected with Joe this spring, he shared the Development Director position with me. I was overjoyed to be able join this team. 

I love this position because it allows me to support and lift up individuals like Donovan, Luch, David, Kenzie, and so many others who have invested in this community for many years and are fully part of it. While I have little experience in areas like Reentry or inner-city youth life, I do get to walk alongside and support those who have those experiences and passion. 

I am looking forward to all God has planned for me, South Street Ministries, and you!

Join us in welcoming Michael to the team and pray with us that God will continue having His way in the lives of our staff and volunteers.

We want to extend our gratitude and excitement to the Northern Ohio Golf Charities Foundation and the Kaulig Companies Championship for their funding gift that allowed South Street Ministries to purchase an enclosed trailer for Bike Shop!

Over the past few years, South Street has taken Bike Shop to different places and different people. 

  • This past summer, we visited the Mohawk Apartments in the Ellet/Springfield area for an afternoon picnic, bike repair, and back-to-school community celebration. More than 25 community youth brought their bikes out to fix flats, replace brakes, and share in the developmental and loving presence of the Bike Shop team.

This new trailer will allow for greater visits, partnerships, rides, and pick-ups of large bike donations! 

As the full and impactful summer of our Monday-and-Wednesday Bike Shop came to a close, the team and youth rode around the Summit Lake Loop Trail and ended with a bonfire next to the REACH Center. It was an evening of hot dogs, s’mores, prayers, laughs, and reflection after a busy and wonderful summer of bike repair, mentorship, and sharing the love of God.

Please continue to pray for the Bike Shop team as this next season is used to review the highs and lows of Summer ‘24 and plan for the next steps of Summer ‘25 … we have some exciting steps in sight!  

With a new trailer and a growing team, we are prayerful and hopeful about where God takes Bike Shop next — and your partnership fuels our journey! Thank you for supporting every impactful outreach of our ministry.

Your prayerful support of South Street Ministries makes caring, compassionate Kingdom work possible.

It is your generous giving that keeps us walking alongside children, families, and neighbors who need hope. Together, we’re making an impact alongside you to renew our community for the sake of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, and God bless you!