We are excited!!! We are gearing up for an incredible RICH Kids summer season of “Fun in the Sun” from June 17 to August 15. This enriching summer program will empower our RICH Kids with adventure-packed days filled with partnerships, nature, creativity, and life skills.

Thanks to the generosity of Leppo Rents, your generous donation today will be doubled in impact by our $10,000 “Fun in the Sun” Challenge Fund. That means when you give now, your donation will have twice the impact on our summer programming!

Here is what we have in store each week!

  • Mondays – Friends and Park Day: Partnering with First Glance to promote reading and friendship before exploring local parks and enjoying a picnic.
  • Tuesdays – Bible Block & Swim Safety: Building a foundation in God’s word before learning swim safety skills at the YMCA.
  • Wednesdays – Nature & Cooking Workshops: Discovering nature with Akron Parks Collaborative, followed by cooking healthy meals with Chef Danni.
  • Thursdays – Community Connection Day: Partnering with local businesses and sports groups to introduce new opportunities and hands-on experiences.

Together, we are excited for the partnerships, enrichment, & love this summer holds!

Pray for us as we continue in service and ministry!  

Partner with us to make a financial impact on our summer programming – your donation today will have twice the impact – as well as giving our youth an unforgettable summer!

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